Untitled is a double casting of one CRT tube, lying on a shelf. The functioning tube is encased in clear plastic. That cast is conjoined to a translucent mirror image of itself, causing a visual palindrome that tapers at both ends. The screen is in the center, projecting a basic vertical hold that lights the translucent half a luminous, flickering bluish-white. In the darkened gallery, the other half is unlit except for the glowing curls of copper where the CRT attaches to its energy source. This simple juxtaposition of light and dark is rich with meanings, like a series of dichotomous inquiries laid out neatly on a shelf: matter and energy, machine and spirit, body and mind. Untitled is Rice's icon, as dazzling and architectural in its way as the Chrysler Building, which its pointed ends resemble, or James Turrell's Skyspaces.
Excerpt from Down the Tube - Tivon Rice reforms television at Lawrimore Project, Jen Graves, The Stranger, 3/27/2007